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Wonderful exhibition of Jiangsu Hongke in Wire China 2008 fair

Date:2008-10-06    【Font:Large Middle Small
During september 23th to 26th,2008,leaded by general manager,Chenhong,we attended in Wire China 2008 Fair,which was organized by Messe Dusseldorf China Ltd. and Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute. It is the largest scale exhibition and having the highest level of technique for the moment.
To show our newest technological innovation and provide better services to the customers,Jiangsu Hongke Cable Machinery Co.,Ltd,one solidarity group consisting of company leaders,leaded by Chenhong-Gerneral Manager,Wukeqiang-Vice genaral manager,technologists and sales staffs to host our honoured friends and guests during the grand fair.
Under the guidelines of "Sincerity,Honesty,advanced technology","Hongke Cable"has gained a good harvest and has a nice furture in this industry area.
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